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COVID-19 Update

Hey there!

In these tough times, we are all thinking about the people that matter most to us. 

We have been asked are we still opening and why now?

Firstly, yes, we are still opening for business. Our customers are already using our products in new ways and combinations, and we want to support them through this. We want to shine a light on the need for well-being at a time when well-being is in so much need, and we’re doing all we can to do that safely.

So we are:

  • Practising social distancing – we’ve said goodbye for now to high-fives and hello-mary to six-feet rules.

  • Cleaning, wiping and sanitising like our lives depended on it!

  • Supporting people who have fallen ill or have family members showing symptoms.

Of course, we will continue to adapt if the situation changes.

On a (slightly) more positive note, our partners and suppliers remain relatively unaffected. So we’re here to help you if you want to know more. You can call  directly, WhatsApp through our site, or find us on social media 

Our ultimate goal is to keep providing you with the same high quality products and solutions you know and expect from us. 

These are really tough times for everyone. Please take care of yourselves and the people close to you. 

With Love, 

Harrogate Organics Company 
